1 清华大学 工程物理系北京 100084
2 NRC "Kurchatov Institute" 俄罗斯 莫斯科 123182
加速器驱动次临界系统(Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System,ADS)是最具潜力的下一代核能系统选型之一,准确评估ADS散裂靶内产生的长寿命放射性核素含量是应用研究中的重要课题,利用质子活化法可以有效评价质子与散裂靶材料发生相互作用产生长寿命核素的反应截面。4个质子辐照天然铅样品分别被能量为40 MeV、70 MeV、100 MeV和400 MeV的质子照射90 min、75 min、40 min和25 min,在冷却约20 a后,利用中国锦屏地下实验室(China Jinping Underground Laboratory,CJPL)的超低本底γ谱仪GeTHU进行测量,使用SAGE(Simulation and Analysis for Germanium Experiments)模拟框架计算了GeTHU的探测效率,测定了能量为40 MeV、70 MeV、100 MeV和400 MeV质子与天然铅发生natPb(p,x)207Bi和natPb(p,x)194Hg反应的总产生截面,并与其他理论及实验工作的结果进行了比较,基于相同样品的实验测量结果在误差范围内保持一致,natPb(p,x)207Bi的反应截面与TENDL的评价截面更为接近,natPb(p,x)194Hg的截面结果与INCL++/ABLA的理论预期保持一致,这些截面结果为ADS设施的放射性废物评估提供了实验依据。
GeTHU 激发函数 铅靶 剩余核素 CJPL GeTHU Excitation function Pb-target Residual nuclides CJPL 
2023, 46(9): 090501
1 合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,安徽 合肥 230601
2 智能互联系统安徽省实验室,安徽 合肥 230601
针对阴影造成的低光照、低对比度和高噪声等问题,为提高阴影下目标的检测、识别精度,借鉴生物偏振视觉机理,在偏振距离理论及算法的基础上,提出一种与“色调-饱和度-强度”颜色空间(HSI color space)融合的偏振距离强度(PDI)模型。该模型利用偏振角信息作为估算方式设定阈值范围,将偏振距离信息与原始光强信息融合为新的强度通道,并与原始色调及饱和度信息融合,最终获取PDI模型映射结果。搭建实测实验装置,并开展4组对比实验。结果表明,与其他3种现有目标增强算法相比,所提算法在灰度对比度、信杂比和Fish距离指标上均取得显著提升,能够使阴影下目标与背景间的差异得到明显提高。
图像处理 偏振成像 阴影 偏振距离 目标增强 图像融合 
2023, 60(12): 1210024
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access Networks, Joint International Research Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Advanced Communication, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
2 School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
3 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Key Laboratory for Thin Film and Microfabrication of the Ministry of Education, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
4 Center for Smart Structures and Materials, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA
5 e-mail: sridhar.krishnaswamy@northwestern.edu
Optical fiber microresonators have attracted considerable interest for acoustic detection because of their compact size and high optical quality. Here, we have proposed, designed, and fabricated a spring-based Fabry–Pérot cavity microresonator for highly sensitive acoustic detection. We observed two resonator vibration modes: one relating to the spring vibration state and the other determined by the point-clamped circular plate vibration mode. We found that the vibration modes can be coupled and optimized by changing the structure size. The proposed resonator is directly 3D printed on an optical fiber tip through two-photon polymerization and is used for acoustic detection and imaging. The experiments show that the device exhibits a high sensitivity and low noise equivalent acoustic signal level of 2.39 mPa/Hz1/2 at 75 kHz that can detect weak acoustic waves, which can be used for underwater object imaging. The results demonstrate that the proposed work has great potential in acoustic detection and biomedical imaging applications.
Photonics Research
2023, 11(5): 780
北京林业大学理学院, 北京 100083
为了减少高光谱图像的训练样本, 同时得到更好的分类结果, 本文提出了一种基于密集连接网络和空谱变换器的双支路深度网络模型。该模型包含两个支路并行提取图像的空谱特征。首先, 两支路分别使用 3D和 2D卷积对子图像的空间信息和光谱信息进行初步提取, 然后经过由批归一化、Mish函数和 3D卷积组成的密集连接网络进行深度特征提取。接着两支路分别使用光谱变换器和空间变换器以进一步增强网络提取特征的能力。最后两支路的输出特征图进行融合并得到最终的分类结果。模型在 Indian Pines、University of Pavia、Salinas Valley和 Kennedy Space Center数据集上进行了测试, 并与 6种现有方法进行了对比。结果表明, 在 Indian Pines数据集的训练集比例为 3%, 其他数据集的训练集比例为 0.5%的条件下, 算法的总体分类精度分别为 95.75%、96.75%、95.63%和 98.01%, 总体性能优于比较的方法。
高光谱图像分类 光谱变换器 空间变换器 密集连接网络 双支路深度网络模型 hyperspectral image classification spectral transformer module, spatial transformer m DenseNet two branch deep network model 
2022, 44(11): 1210
王泽民 1,2,*田阳 2
1 西安工业大学机电工程学院,陕西 西安 710021
2 西安工业大学电子信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710021
结合三角测量原理和视觉激光器的优点,针对地形的纹理映射问题,设计一种基于多点式结构光的三维地形纹理映射系统。系统保持激光器与相机相对位置固定,可以同时采集深度信息及纹理信息,经过图像处理等可以生成具有纹理细节信息的三维虚拟地形,提高纹理映射结果的实时性。其中,系统在深度测量时Zw方向的误差可控制在1.3 mm以内,且平台简单,不需要额外相机采集纹理信息,相较于传统的三维测量系统,成本降低,建模效率提高。
三角测量原理 多点式结构光 深度信息 纹理信息 angulation principle multi point structured light depth information texture information 
2022, 42(5): 95
重庆大学 机械与运载工程学院 机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆 400044
多视角点云配准是逆向工程中的关键步骤之一,具有重要的研究意义和工程应用价值。而对于狭窄场景(如口腔或机械结构内部)获取的点云数据,多视角配准算法的精度直接影响重建精度的好坏。为了提升狭窄场景多视角点云配准的速度和鲁棒性,提出一种基于位姿图优化的增量式多视角点云配准方法。首先针对相邻视角的点云,结合迭代最近点法(ICP)和基于特征的配准方法,提出一种多策略融合的成对点云配准算法,用于求解相邻视角点云的配准结果;然后在增量式相邻视角点云配准的基础上,进一步提出一种基于距离约束的回环检测方法,并依据相邻视角点云的配准结果和回环检测的结果构建位姿图;最后采用实时优化策略对位姿图进行优化,消除累计误差,实现鲁棒的多视角配准。实验结果表明,提出的多策略融合配准算法和基于距离约束的回环检测方法是有效的。经典ICP算法和基于FPFH特征的配准算法在实验中存在失效的现象,而提出的多策略融合配准算法并无失效。基于距离筛选的回环检测方法较常规的回环检测方法效率提高。提出的多视角配准算法在配准牙齿模型数据时精度可达到0.0357 mm。为了验证算法的普适性,采用多个狭窄场景下连续采集的模型点云进行验证,结果表明:提出的算法取得了不错的效果,表明该方法是一种有效的狭窄场景多视角配准方法。
多视角点云配准 回环检测 位姿优化 迭代最近点算法 机器视觉 multi-view point cloud registration loop closure detection pose optimization iterative closest point algorithm machine vision 
2022, 51(12): 20220114
华中科技大学 武汉光电国家研究中心, 武汉 430074
理论分析了降低雪崩光电二极管(APD)噪声、提高其增益及带宽的一般方法。面向APD综合响应度与带宽之间存在的固有矛盾问题, 提出了采用三维纳米化技术降低APD的噪声, 以及采用集成光学技术提高APD的响应度的解决方案。在此基础上, 从表面等离基元聚光结构与垂直光入射型APD的混合集成、超透镜与垂直光入射型APD的混合集成, 以及阵列波导光栅(AWG)与光侧入射倏逝波耦合波导(EC)APD的单片集成等三个方面, 综述了集成化高速APD的研究进展, 对该领域的发展趋势进行了展望。
InP集成光子学 光通信 光电探测器 雪崩光电二极管 InP integrated photonics optical communication photodetedtor APD 
2022, 43(2): 285
Shichao Yang 1,2Hanlin Huang 1,2Gaoxu Wu 1,2Yanxue Wu 1,2[ ... ]Fei Liu 1,2,*
Author Affiliations
1 State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
2 College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
Fringe projection profilometry (FPP) has been extensively studied in the field of three-dimensional (3D) measurement. Although FPP always uses high-frequency fringes to ensure high measurement accuracy, too many patterns are projected to unwrap the phase, which affects the speed of 3D reconstruction. We propose a high-speed 3D shape measurement method using only three high-frequency inner shifting-phase patterns (70 periods), which satisfies both high precision and high measuring speed requirements. Besides, our proposed method obtains the wrapped phase and the fringe order simultaneously without any other information and constraints. The proposed method has successfully reconstructed moving objects with high speed at the camera’s full frame rate (1700 frames per second).
fringe projection profilometry high-speed 3D measurement inner shifting-phase dynamic object measurement 
Chinese Optics Letters
2022, 20(11): 112601
同济大学机械与能源工程学院,上海 201804
基于密度泛函理论,计算分析了CH3基团在含有过渡金属元素Ti、V、Ni、Mo的孕镶金刚石颗粒硬质合金基底表面的吸附能、Mulliken电荷分布、电荷密度差和态密度(density of states, DOS)等一系列性质,研究Ti、V、Ni、Mo对孕镶金刚石颗粒硬质合金基底化学气相沉积(chemical vapor deposition, CVD)金刚石涂层形核阶段的影响及其作用机理。计算结果表明:与CH3基团在WC表面及金刚石表面的吸附相比,Ti、V、Ni、Mo与C原子间有较强的弱相互作用,这使得其对CH3基团有更强的吸附能力(其中Ti>V>Mo>Ni);吸附能力大小与各原子的价电子结构相关,含有Ti元素的表面对CH3的吸附最稳定;CH3基团与Ni原子间更易发生电荷的转移形成共价键,Mo有利于促进CH3基团的脱氢反应;形核阶段适当添加Ti、V、Ni、Mo这几种过渡金属元素将有利于增加形核密度,改善CVD金刚石膜基界面结合强度。
金刚石涂层 过渡金属 吸附 第一性原理计算 形核密度 化学气相沉积 diamond coating transition metal adsorption first-principle calculation nucleation density chemical vapor deposition 
2022, 51(5): 933
Author Affiliations
1 Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics Beijing 100094 China
2 Center for Applied Physics and Technology HEDPS School of Physics and College of Engineering Peking University Beijing 100871 China
3 Institute of Materials China Academy of Engineering Physics Jiangyou 621908 Sichuan China
4 Center for Applied Physics and Technology HEDPS and College of Engineering Peking University Beijing 100871 China
The effects of magnetic vortex acceleration (MVA) are investigated with two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations by laser interaction with near-critical density (NCD) plasma inside a hollow conical plasma. Energetic and collimated proton beams can be accelerated by a longitudinal charge-separation field. Energetic protons with a peak energy of 220 MeV are produced in PIC simulations. Compared with a uniform NCD plasma, both the cutoff energy and collimation of proton beams are improved remarkably. Furthermore, the influence of different gap sizes of cone tip is taken into account. For optimizing magnetic vortex acceleration, the gap size of the cone tip is suggested to match the focal spot size of laser pulse.
Laser and Particle Beams
2022, 2022(1): 5671790

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